Juvenile Referrals
Learning that your child has been involved in some misbehavior at school can be worrying, but more and more school incidents are referred to police for additional investigation. The reality is that school police agencies and officers seem hesitant to exercise any discretion. As a result, juvenile prosecutors are being asked to consider filing charges more frequently. Since 2021, I have seen a huge increase in these calls and have worked with families in Harris, Montgomery, and Fort Bend counties. Many children who are being "referred" to the juvenile justice system have diagnosed mental health issues and/or learning disabilities. If you get this phone call, please call me before you take your child in to be fingerprinted or allow them to be questioned. Please call me before you participate in the district disciplinary hearing. With proper and quick handling of these situations, we can sometimes convince prosecutors and juvenile probation officers that filing juvenile charges is unwarranted and unnecessary.